Jack Ross
Jack (he/him/his) is a third-year senior from Maple Grove, Minnesota, pursuing an Honors Neuroscience B.S. with a Health Psychology minor in the College of Biological Sciences (CBS). Proud to be one of the first Homecoming Court members selected from CBS in years, Jack is extremely passionate about showing that biology students have Gopher pride too. A loud mental health advocate open about his own experiences, Jack is a Crisis Hotline Counselor, a University of Minnesota Ambassador for Crisis Text Line, and pioneered a first of its kind Minneapolis-based resource consolidation document with the Mental Health and Wellness Team of the CBS Student Board. As part of the Lemos Lab, Jack performs research investigating how adverse experiences as a child have long-term neurobiological impacts related to anxiety, depression, and addiction. A kid at heart himself, Jack is the co-director of Camp Kesem at the University of Minnesota, an organization supporting more than 100 Minnesotan children through and beyond a parent’s cancer through completely free week-long overnight summer camps—although he’s known to all his kids as counselor “Snoop”, rather than Jack. Dedicated to building a community in science at Minnesota, Jack is also a TA for BIOL3211 (Physiology of Humans and Other Animals), has taught BIOL1806/7 (Nature of Life), and trains volunteers for M Health Fairview’s STEPForce. Additionally, Jack works as an EMT, plans to go to medical school after graduation, and enjoys attending Gopher games, competing in intramurals, drinking black coffee, being outdoors, and training for his third half marathon. Jack is honored to be a member of the 2024 Homecoming Court, and is pumped to show his Gopher spirit surrounded by an amazing University community he feels lucky to call his home.